Elevsate your wedding with bespoke invite designs tailored to your unique style.
India's first company to offer personalised digital invites with individual guest names
We create wedding websites, incorporating guests' names and invitaion details, ensuring a Personalised and seamless expereience.
We efficiently connect hosts and guests by delivering invitations and reminders thorugh WhatsApp from the hosts's Number.
We create customised instagram filters for Personalised photo-sharing expereience.
We design logos, e-cards, PDFs and themes for your special event.
A personalised WeTales Card customised and assigned to each of your special guests.
Say No to FOMO with WeTales
An eye-pleasing app and a customised website if you want an X-factor for your special occasion.
Your invites get seamlessly delivered on SMS/Whatsapp/Email invitations, to save your time-effort-money.
If your event is ‘Open For All’, we are all-in-one: designing creatives, Google Adsense, customised email marketing, etc
Wetales © 2025 All Right Reserved
If you wish to do business with WeTales then connect us
Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you very soon.
You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: https://wppopupmaker.com/guides/auto-opening-announcement-popups/